
Don't mind me… just here to take over the world…

Posts by David

Human affinity for bass

Why do humans like bass in their music so much? I have a hypothesis I stumbled on while listening to music pretty loudly with the bass turned up and noticing it scared my dog. Perhaps if we go back far enough, we find something akin to African drum circles. What purpose would these serve? To […]

Why you should use nth-child instead of class=”odd|even”

Take a gander at this: That’s my track listing on last.fm after I’ve deleted a few duplicates (thank you, last.fm Android app). Notice anything funny? Yeah. How about those background colors. See, last.fm slaps every other row with an “odd” class. They then target that class to alternate background colors for every other row. But […]

How big ARE those numbers?

So, I was on my way home and noticed a nice storm cloud ahead with some pretty lightning. Oooo Ahhh. But what really got me going was looking up at those clouds and wondering, “How much water is up there anyway?” So I googled it. Not a lot of great results off that initial search, […]

drupal XSS filtering removes unrecognized tags

So I just installed drupal 7.10 and am playing around with it a bit.  I changed my site name to david->writes(‘<drupal>’);.  What I got was david->writes(”);.  I got the same thing when trying to post this message to the drupal forums, as I figured I might.  So I manually escaped it.  I figured the validation was removing […]

JSON-style Cascading Style Sheets

So, it’s kind of the way of the world that when I have a good idea and start focusing my energies on fully hashing out and refining that idea, I find that somebody else has shared that idea and is already (sometimes only somewhat) implementing it.  Today’s example is what I might call JSON-style CSS. […]

My First Blog

I’m new to this blogging thing, but lately I’ve been really interested in “becoming a cloud.” I’ve always been a nerd, but have been somewhat opposed to trends. But this is the way the world is going. Everything is becoming connected. It accelerates every day. Twitter, for example, is seeing membership increase percentages in the […]